Saturday, August 30, 2008

Micro-deed -- Little Warrior and Mama

Even a teeny good deed can make you feel good! There's lots of "button" or "sound" books in the cancer clinic, but the majority of them have dead batteries. So we're a two person search and rescue team ...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Family Slumber Party 2

An additional thank you to the "Hair Fairy" and the Great Blue Heron Girl Scouts for the special pillow.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nurture the Nurses!

"Love is the Guiding Principle"

Each time the Little Warrior goes back to the hospital, her mother tells us how loving and caring everyone is. I am so grateful for the care and concern that the staff and volunteers show for her that her PopPop and I sent a goodie basket to the nurses station on the 9th floor of her hospital, as a tiny gesture of thanks for all they do for her and for the others in their care.

Little Warrior's Lala

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More Feeding the Hungry ...

I am a "feeder." Those of you who are feeders or are related to one know what I mean. I love to feed people. Just ask our nurses and fellow patients, who think that a carrier of cupcakes is permanently attached to my arm.

This week, I lost a dear member of my family to cancer, who was also a feeder. Kisses to heaven, Cousin Nell, and thanks for all the recipes over the years.

All of this is to say I really enjoyed reading about this good deed. There is more than one way to feed someone:

I have struggled to identify sufficient kindnesses to do in Little Warrior's honor. One thing that seems worth sharing is that for a long time I have made it a habit to buy a bag of groceries to go into the ‘stop hunger’ bin in the grocery store. Now I buy two and one in is her honor. I think the world would be a better place if everyone had enough to eat. -- Era

Friday, August 1, 2008

Daddy and Daughter

There is not even a smidgen of doubt as to who is Little Warrior's favorite visitor -- her Daddy.