Wednesday, May 7, 2008

P's Good Deed

I'm SO excited! The first entry in Little Warrior's book!

From My Brand of Crazy:

Had a big garage sale this weekend ... I had a very young couple come the first day, with their 10 month old baby and the Mom proudly announced how happy she was with the assortment of stuff I had out, because they had just gotten their very first house to rent and all they had was a bed, a crib and a can of paint.

Hence, my Good Deed For Little Warrior!

They took home whatever they wanted, at no cost.
And they were good people. They could have hogged and taken much more than they needed...hell they could have taken lots of stuff and then had their own sale...but they didn't.
They took my dinette, some dishes, pots and pans, some paintings and toys for the baby.
Right before they left, she asked me why I had done it and I told her the story of Little Warrior and asked that pay it forward. She said she would...and I believed her.
I couldn't help but be excited for them. I remember that young-and-just-starting-out-feeling!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

oh this is wonderful. I think this might just be my new favorite blog!